hair-breadth - translation to ολλανδικά
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hair-breadth - translation to ολλανδικά

Breadth first search; Breadth first recursion; Breadth-first traversal; BFS algorithm; Breadth-first; Breath first search; Breath-first search; Breadth-First Search; Applications of breadth-first search
  • BFS on [[Maze-solving algorithm]]
  • Top part of [[Tic-tac-toe]] game tree

underarm hair         
  • s2cid=221257760 }}</ref>
Armpit hair; Axillary hair; Pit hair; Pitt hair; Pitt Hair; Pit Hair; Pithair; PitHair; Pitthair; PittHair; Axillary hairs; Underarm hairs; Hirci
haar in de oksel
fair haired         
  • ''Portrait of a Woman'' by [[Bartolomeo Veneto]], traditionally assumed to be [[Lucrezia Borgia]]
  • Sigismund Casimir Vasa]] ({{circa}} 1644), with characteristic blond hair which darkened with time as confirmed by his later effigies.
  • Blonde girl from [[Vanuatu]]
  • First Thursday series]] in [[Canton, Baltimore]], [[Maryland]], United States, in June 2014
  • ''[[Mary Magdalene]]'' ({{circa}} 1480–1487), altarpiece in [[International Gothic]] style by [[Carlo Crivelli]] showing her with long, blond hair
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes]]'' (1953), one of the films in which Monroe portrayed a sexually attractive and naïve "dumb blonde"
  • [[Propaganda in Nazi Germany]] often featured people with blond hair and blue eyes and other "Teutonic" traits, said to embody features of a "[[master race]]".
  • Pamiri]] child in [[Tajikistan]]
  • url-status=live }}</ref> (''Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here'' production still)
  • Uyghur]] girl in Turpan, [[Xinjiang]], China
Peroxide blonde; Platinum blond; Blonde-haired; Blonde; Blonds; Blondism; Blond hair; Blonde hair; Honey blonde; Gold hair; Bleached blonde; Toeheaded; Fair-haired; Fair haired; Fair hair; Flaxen hair; Yellow (hair color); Sandy blond; Sandy blonde; Golden blond; Golden blonde; Dirty blond; Bleached blond; Towheaded; Venetian blond; Venetian blonde; Blond vénitien; Dishwater blond; Dishwater blonde; Ash-blond; Ash-blonde; Ash blonde; Ash blond; Peroxide blond; Pool blond; Strawberry blonde (hair color); Fair-hair; 👱; Honey blond; Dirty blonde; Blonde people; Blond people; Strawberry-blond; Blondes; Light blond; Light blonde; Tow-headed; Platinum blond hair; Platinum blonde hair; 👱🏻; 👱🏼; 👱🏽; 👱🏾; 👱🏿; 👱‍♂️; 👱🏻‍♂️; 👱🏼‍♂️; 👱🏽‍♂️; 👱🏾‍♂️; 👱🏿‍♂️; 👱‍♀️; 👱🏻‍♀️; 👱🏼‍♀️; 👱🏽‍♀️; 👱🏾‍♀️; 👱🏿‍♀️
blond, met blond haar


breadth-first search
<algorithm> A graph search algorithm which tries all one-step extensions of current paths before trying larger extensions. This requires all current paths to be kept in memory simultaneously, or at least their end points. Opposite of depth-first search. See also {best first search}. (1996-01-05)


Breadth-first search

Breadth-first search (BFS) is an algorithm for searching a tree data structure for a node that satisfies a given property. It starts at the tree root and explores all nodes at the present depth prior to moving on to the nodes at the next depth level. Extra memory, usually a queue, is needed to keep track of the child nodes that were encountered but not yet explored.

For example, in a chess endgame a chess engine may build the game tree from the current position by applying all possible moves, and use breadth-first search to find a win position for white. Implicit trees (such as game trees or other problem-solving trees) may be of infinite size; breadth-first search is guaranteed to find a solution node if one exists.

In contrast, (plain) depth-first search, which explores the node branch as far as possible before backtracking and expanding other nodes, may get lost in an infinite branch and never make it to the solution node. Iterative deepening depth-first search avoids the latter drawback at the price of exploring the tree's top parts over and over again. On the other hand, both depth-first algorithms get along without extra memory.

Breadth-first search can be generalized to graphs, when the start node (sometimes referred to as a 'search key') is explicitly given, and precautions are taken against following a vertex twice.

BFS and its application in finding connected components of graphs were invented in 1945 by Konrad Zuse, in his (rejected) Ph.D. thesis on the Plankalkül programming language, but this was not published until 1972. It was reinvented in 1959 by Edward F. Moore, who used it to find the shortest path out of a maze, and later developed by C. Y. Lee into a wire routing algorithm (published 1961).